Thursday, April 15, 2010

For Jews only. Children's names.?

Is the name Saul a desirable name for a Jewish family to name a boy? I agree that Saul was a significant person in the history of Israel as a nation, but his kingdom was given by G-d to another man more righteous than him. If it's okay to give children this name, is it perhaps so that the name can be a warning to the boy as he grows up to always lead a righteous life, so that another would not take his place of honor?

For Jews only. Children's names.?
Jewish tradition is to name our children after a respected relative (someone who has passed away among Ashkenazic Jews, a living relative such as the parent or grandparent among Sephardim). So someone choosing the name Saul for their child is generally not naming him after the Biblical figure. Instead we hope they will grow to be like the relative who originally bore the name. Most Biblical protagonists were flawed people (Moses was a murderer, David an adulterer, to name two prime examples whose names are still in heavy circulation) - but Jews believe that no one is capable of perfection, and choose rather to celebrate a person's strengths and the good they achieved, rather than their weaknesses or wrongdoing.

Some names, like Haman or Jezebel, are avoided. But for the most part, any Biblical name of someone who played an important role in our growth as a people is considered a good name.
Reply:I would say Ismael or Allah or Mohammed... something biblical lol... Report Abuse

Reply:It was in style in the US about 80 years ago, but not recently. today, it's just viewed as an old fashioned biblical name. But, I wouldn't be surprised if it came around again as fashionable.

there's nothing particularly wrong about naming a child 'saul'- that is, if you don't mind him being made fun of.
Reply:It is my husband's name and no one made or makes fun of his name It is a bit old fashioned but well respected name I am Jewish

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