Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Will my children's names go well together?

Bobby Dean is my 4 month old son's name. We are expecting again in September, and like James Thomas if its a boy (I kind of think this sounds funny, but maybe because my husband is Thomas James). If its a girl we like Josephine Marie. Also, Bobby Dean was named after his great-grandfather. Josephine Marie is his great-grandmother (married to Bobby Dean), is it weird to name brother and sister after husband and wife? Thanks!

Will my children's names go well together?
Try calling it out into the open air

like ewe are calling them in for supper

thats to see if it sounds write

it its too funny and ewe laugh

pick another namme
Reply:It's cute that you would name them after their great grandparents, but you have to realize that today is differeant than when it was eighty years ago.

Kids get picked on for names such as Josephine, now.
Reply:Yes, the kids should have their own names. :)
Reply:not really. naming kids after grand or great grand parents is kind of neat. have a friend who gave their daughter her maternal grandmother's first name and paternal grandmother's middle name. for the son, it was the paternal grandfather's name and maternal grandfather's middle name. it was absolutely beautiful
Reply:My parents had two boys and two girls. Each of us are named after a grand-parent (i.e. Their Parents). My parents are in their late 60s, early 70's and for them it was common to do this when they grew up in Italy. (btw, their siblings did the same thing, so for example My Dad's first born son (my Brother) has 'his' father's name, and all his brothers' first born sons have that same name too), if that makes sense?

Reply:Stop worrying! :)

I think your names sound beautiful together. You can call them Bobby, Jimmy, and Josie (super cute!).

James Thomas doesn't sound strange at all. I love the idea of reversing the father's name for the son. That way a son can still be named after his father, but you won't have two Thomases in the house.

No, it's not weird to name a brother and sister after a husband and wife. The only exception would be if they were a famous husband and wife (Romeo and Juliet, Lucy and Ricky, etc.) as that could lead to teasing. You are naming them after two very special family members who just happen to be married to each other. (See my suggestion on the last question you posted, though, about ways to work your family names into the mix as well.)

Best of luck to you!
Reply:James Thomas and Josephine Marie are perfect names
Reply:not weird at all!!
Reply:Alot of families try to keep up the tradition of using past generations names. Both me and my sister have each of our great grandmothers names as our middle names for example.

I think naming your son the same as your husband (But back to front) isn't weird however perhaps it would be better to add something new to them. For example if it is a boy why not call him joseph after the grandmother (if that makes sense) of if it is a girl why not call her marie. Other really nice names like elizabeth or kay go well as first names or middles names as well. Maybe get alot of names together of pieces of card and then try putting them together in different orders. Maybe something you didn't even think of will come out of it.

I am going off topic a little. Basically i don't think it's weird but i think it would be nice to have atleast a little variety.

Reply:My friend named her children James and Gloria after a couple who meant a lot to her. It's a nice gesture, and who will know?
Reply:not at all. if you want the family connetion then go for it. as for james thomas - when i first saw it i thought the other way round then i read that is your husbands name. how about robert william or david john.
Reply:not sure i like the James Thomas in that order.

but i think it's REALLY sweet that you name your kids after his great-grandparents, whether they're brother and sister or not!

i also like the names bobby dean and josephine marie!

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