Sunday, November 15, 2009

Why did J.K rowling make ron and hermiones children's names rose and hugo?

Rose and Hugo? ---random or wat!?!

Why did J.K rowling make ron and hermiones children's names rose and hugo?
idk maybe after a relative or friend
Reply:i kno those are soo random. mayb because they start with the same letters?

hermione, hugo

rose, ron

its the only reason i could think of.
Reply:She is not obligated to name characters after this weeks popular names for children..

Hugo and Rose are respectable English names.

What did you expect. Lily and Aydain..OR Natalia and Everett. Or what ever names are hot this week.
Reply:they had kids
Reply:Who can figure how genius writers come up with any thing they write? I still can't figure out why she announced that Dumbeldore (sp?) was gay long after she published the last book. I don't think it was really necessary. These books were intended for kids reading.
Reply:Well, I have thought about this, sadly I assumed that they resembled children she knew in her life. As she might've named them like that, because in her view or imagination they resembled other children.

Or I might be wrong, and the naming was random, although I highly doubt it as J.K never randomly picks names, and there is always some significance to the naming.
Reply:idk...probably just random...?
Reply:Maybe she wanted to make Ron and Hermione come up with original names, instead of naming kids after dead people.
Reply:it was a randomp pick
Reply:just random i think
Reply:prolly cause she wanted those names for her kids???
Reply:good question, maybe they were relatives or something but I'm not really sure.


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