Tuesday, May 5, 2009

How Did You Come Up With Your Children's Names?

What do their names mean to you??

How Did You Come Up With Your Children's Names?
When I was 15, I wrote a journal of how I wanted to marry, right down to designing my dress and the make believe childrens names. When I became pregnant with my first born, that name was still fresh on my head and I still loved it...even tho now it is so highly saturated in the name game but 15 yrs ago, it was just a name in a book I'd read (Madison--who knew 15 yrs ago it would be this popular)

My son, is a miracle child who fought his entire way from conception to birth, being scottish heritage and giving birth to him on the lake it was appropriate to name him something that reflected the surroundings and the struggle we both endured. His name is not well used in Canada, I get a lot of wierd stares and rude questions and comments but it would be a common name in Scotland.

edit--that's exactly how it with our son, people either really like it or they don't, people who don't want to call him Landon or Logan(that includes his grandparents who are Scottish) and he get's quite upset by it, he's proud of his name--it's Lochlin!
Reply:I look for a name that I like and rings right to my ears when I say it repeatedly, for instance....

Jesse come here

Jesse don't do that

i love you Jesse

Jesse where's mommy

and if i get that feeling that i am not feeling the name I move on to something else that I like, also i want something unique not too common something really nice, Pretty for a girl. Cute and masqueline for a boy. Be conciencous about the name you name your child though you don't want them to hate their name or be ridiculed, just don't understand how some parents can name their children Dick, or Gaylord. I mean come on......

Good luck!

My daughter I picked names that I really liked and combined them to make Megan Elexis Garcia So that way her initials are MEG, just like her first name!
Reply:I am naming my daughter my favorite name ever - Caroline - and it happends to be my husband's great-grandmother's name as well. Middle name is Morgan - my Maiden Name. I like names with meaning and history.

Also, my husband and I are big ocean people, and her full name will translate loosely to "Joyous Song of the Sea".
Reply:We each picked out 2 names and wrote them individually on note cards. Then we shuffled the cards around until it looked right. As it turned out, my husband liked the name Hannah (he never did give me a reason, he just liked it) and I picked out Elizabeth after my mother, so she's Hannah Elizabeth. Incidentally, she was the 2nd Hannah Elizabeth to be born on her birthday in that hospital. The other little girl had been born about 20 hours earlier.
Reply:I'd like to include their names, but I feel kind of weird about putting my kids' full names out on the internet.

We had a hard time picking out names; we kept changing our mind about our daughter's name. We knew what we wanted our son's first name to be, but we couldn't think of a middle name. He went without a name until he was 3 days old.

We always thought of better names, of course, months after they were born. I now keep a perfect names list on hand in case we ever have another--not that that's going to happen %26lt;LOL.%26gt;

We wanted their names to be individualistic and unique. Our son is the only one of his name here, and I've only heard of 3 other girls with my daughter's name. A little unfortunately, even though it's an old, ambisexual name, it became a popular boys' name after she was born. It suits her perfectly, but we might have changed our minds had we known that was going to happen. Her middle name is the last name of my favorite poet.

We gave our son a rugged masculine Western name. We also gave them each a place name with a Celtic/British feel, since that's where our ancestors are from.
Reply:Morgan Dawn - I was so fed up with trying to figure out a name I just decided on Morgan boy or girl (researched it later and figured out it's quite perfect seeing as how she's a water sign and we live on an island - it means dweller of the sea) and Dawn - my bf called his mom and asked about a middle name and this would be his sister's middle name.

Cameron Shelley - Cameron was a five second conversationa s I was going into labour I wanted Kira but he said it sounds like a dogs name. Shelley I think flows really nice with Cameron. A boy would've been Conor, or Maddox. I don't think we would've been able to decide. My mom's name is Sheila and I promised her when I was young that I would use a variance of her name for one of my kids. Even though she called them mistakes but then that's a whole different story..
Reply:We just liked Tyler %26amp; Riley. Riley's name was never "a sure thing" until he was born. We both liked it, but it wasn't his definate name yet. Then when he was born, I said "I guess his name is Riley, huh?" I wanted Rylan %26amp; Adam wanted Ryan. We could only agree on Riley.

Tyler's middle name is James. James is the masculine verison of Jamie, which is my name and Adam's middle name.

Riley's middle name is Michael. Michael is in honor of one of Adam's best friends who died in a car accident when I was 4 months pregnant.

If we ever have a girl, I want her middle name to either be Mae (for my deceased Grandmother) or Star (stars are mine %26amp; Adam's *thing*)
Reply:Mostly due to the fact that my husband and I have completely different taste in names and these are the only ones we could agree on, even that took a very long time.

Aidan Joseph- we just liked the name Aidan (and had never heard it and thought it was unique.... so much for that one, lolol) Joseph is my husband and father-in-laws middle name.

Connor John- this one took a lot of constant persuasion on my part but we finally agreed (he finally caved rather, lol). I wanted John Connor but my husband refused, saying it was too Terminatorish. John is my dads name.

When my grandma died (I was 15), I swore I'd name my first daughter after her (Vallie). If we ever have a girl, we have her name ready.
Reply:Jordyn Isabella-

Jordyn was my husbands favorite name for a girl ever since we had gotten married.

Isabella- was after my best friends middle name is Isabelle so we decided on Isabella.

Aaliyah-Mae Morgan-

Aaliyah- was on our list of favorite girl names

Mae- is my grandmas name

Morgan- is my middle name

Harli-Lyn Makena

Harli- was my husbands favorite girl name

Lyn- is my husbands mothers name

Makena- was on our list for favorite middle names

Whenever anyone asks what our girls names are and we tell them they a lot of people tell us that they are all boy names. But we love the names and so glad we decided on their names.
Reply:I think we decided we aren't actually telling my daughter the real reason for her name because it isn't very meaningful. My husband and discussed names long before we were pregnant and one day while reading Elle magazine I asked if he like Elle. We decided it wasn't enough of a name on its own so we named her Eleanor (she has my middle name). The funny thing is, we've been calling her Ellie since I was pregnant. Someday she can be an Elle if she wants.
Reply:my parents picked my name after i was born. Kalynn. i was suposed to be named Kendra, but when i was born my mom had second thoughts. my dad had just worked the night shift, and then made it to the hospital for my birth (at 1 22 pm) so he didn't get any sleep. my mom was brain storming new name ideas, and my dad kept saying ok. my mom's name is Lynn. and eventually he went from o.k. lynn, to k lynn. and over time of him being tired and my mom listing every name she could think of. she heard a name in what my dad was saying. and that's how i got my name. true story.
Reply:baby book dart board


actually we spent a lot of time deciding on names while i was pregnant w/my daughter. we picked a girl name and a boy name. we wanted their first names to be special/unique and theirs but we wanted to have their middle names be family names. it was surprisingly easy to agree on names for my husband and i. i love their names
Reply:I have a few names in mind for my future children..

It's the kind of names that you see and think "wow, that's a beautiful name".. or something that can 'roll off your tongue' or sounds nice.

But of course, when the time comes, it's one of those thigns that you'd need to seriously reconsider because that name will be stuck with the child for the rest of it's life.
Reply:My oldest is Jordin Paige. I picked Jordin because did not know whether was having a boy or girl and it would work for both. Paige was because we were writing a new page in our family history. She goes by Paige or JP.

Our next one is Bethany Lynn. We chose Bethany because my moms middle name is Beth and his mom is Annie so we combined the two names. Lynn was from her god mother.

Our son is Scott Austin. We were fighting over names for him even while I was in labor. My husband loved wrestling and wanted to name him Steve Austin which I hated. Finally out of the blue my husband said Scott and it just sounded right. What was ironic, my dad was married before he met my mom and had a son that died as a baby. We knew about the baby but never his name. When my parents came to the hospital to see the new baby and asked the name my dad started crying Scott was his son's name.

When you name a kid it doesn't matter if others like it only if you like it and it has to be a name hat sounds good when you are yelling it across the play gound or the third time you tell them to get off the cabinets etc.
Reply:Oh my gosh, I was just talking offline to Smile about this... literally. Minutes ago (is she putting my emails on a blog again?)

Evan was supposed to be Dante. But he was born with flaming red hair. I said to Mr. Mozz, "Well we can't call him Dante now, that's just mean." Evan just popped in my head. And seemed like a successful (doctor!) name.

Gina was supposed to be Dominic Lou but alas, no penis. Then she was going to be Olivia. But she didn't look like an Olivia, she looked like a Gina. But she doesn't go by Gina, 'cept in school Everyone calls her Bear.
Reply:Hunter was named after his grandpa William (also an uncles name). My grandpa was an avid hunter. And, his hunting skills are what fed his family during the great depression. The stories of his hunting and meat lockers...during the depression is what made me decide on Hunter to remember him.

Roman was named after a conversion experience by both my husband and I. We became Roman Catholics and visited Rome. It seemed like a no brainer. Plus, the name is so masculine!! And, suits him to a t. His middle name comes from my dad, Joseph.

The next one will be Nash Leslie after my great great grandfather who fought in the civil war. And, was a sniper. He even lied about his age to fight for what he believed. OR, if its a girl...we are so at odds over name she will probably come home nameless. For our last two we didn`t even have a girl name and nothing for the third that we can agree on, lol.
Reply:Johnny (really it's Jonathan) came from an inside joke between my mom, myself and my stepdad. It's a long story but one day I jokingly said, that's what I'm naming the baby - Johnny. I had actually planned on naming him Jacob. But then when he was born, while I held him for the first time I looked at him and said "You are a Johnny!" He just didn't look like a Jacob.

His middle name is after my stepdad.
Reply:When it comes to picking names, DH and I have two requirements. The name must be pronounceable in both French and English, since his family is French and mine is English, and no one in both our living families can have the same name, that takes out a lot of possibilities.
Reply:Jasper was chosen by his father and it mean --Master of the treasure. To me it means --my little soldier-- cause he is such a charmer and a great helper...he is tough as nails that boy. lol

Mya was picked when I was like 12 years old. I heard it on tv and fell in love the name. I always swore if I had a girl her name would be Mya. It means beautiful and spirit-filled to me. I like it cause its unique.
Reply:I have a daughter. I was 19 when she was born. I named her 'Amanda Brooke' I had just always loved the name Amanda and was going to make her middle name 'Kay' after my mother and myself... but my husband (at the time) did't like it. I asked him if he liked 'Brooke' and he said yes.. because of Brooke Shields. So... Amanda Brooke it was! We call her Brooke
Reply:Cora- great grandmothers name i never knew

Aaliyah-name means "ascender" and i liked the artist, also sounds a lot like my boyfriends name who i've been friends with for years..but isn't her father (Uriah)

Ruth- great grandmothers name that i was VERY close to
Reply:My daughter is Bellamy Ciana. Bellamy I found in a magazine under 'unique' names or something like that. I thought it was great cause I didn't want anything too girly, but yet it was pretty. It stuck. My next one will be Sevin Kai. Sevin is his dads name, Svein, switched around :) And Kai I just like.
Reply:Brendan Andrew was named after my MIL %26amp; husband. My MIL lost her battle to cancer when I was 7mo pregnant - I believe the only reason she was even able to hang on that long is that she wanted to see her grandson. Her name was Brenda Ann. And my husband's middle name is Andrew.
Reply:My son remained nameless for 2 days because we had no idea. We had a whole list and narrowed it down to about 5, but when he was born, the names didn’t suit him.

The name really has no meaning to us at all. We just picked it because we liked it.
Reply:Cheyenne Renee... Cheyenne came about because a friend and I were throwing around names, when I said it, it stuck. Renee is from an old family friend that really means a lot to me.
Reply:named Him Guliano from a 3 second clip in a Steven segal movie .I thought no one will have that name and i have yet to hear it amongst any of his peers.
Reply:I'm named after my dad's favorite aunt, who died before I was born. My parents chose their favorite names and relative's names. My middle name is after my mom's and her aunt's.
Reply:i just named my new bub zakia after her fathers grandmother his lebanese and the name is african it means gods purity and her middle name is nancy after my grandmother i love tobias its a really cool name
Reply:Austin is my mom's maiden name. His middle name comes from my grandfather and my husband's father and grandfather. We got both sides of the family in his name!
Reply:My kids are Kiely Michelle, Jacob Ryan, and Dylan Joseph. We' don't call them by their complete names,lol.

We Just looked through the Baby Names book..and those popped out at us, we love them!
Reply:My husband and I named our daughter Madeline after our only living grandparent. She was so honored.

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